a bit about me

Hello, I’m Sofie. For those who may not be so familiar with what I do - I am a writer. It's my greatest ambition, my greatest obsession, and also sometimes my greatest frustration when I feel I've not met my goals. It’s a cliché, but I remember since first being able to scribble with a pen, or punch keys before an absurdly huge and ancient computer, that creating stories was the greatest joy of my life - and that I’d stubbornly grind on until I could make that an act I could live off of.

For a long, long time, I've felt drawn to the colder, wilder, darker aspects of art, history and nature, and I write in the hope of reflecting this fascination through prose and poetry. I've taken a 4 year degree in Scandinavian Studies, followed by a Master's in Creative Writing - throughout these years in academia I've poured over many ancient texts including Anglo-Saxon poems and Skaldic verses composed in honour of the dead, or as a rallying cry to arms, baying for bloodshed. These are the archaic, old-as-time and yet eternally beautiful styles I strive to emulate in my own work. Although writing fantasy novels full-time is my overarching aspiration, I'm so incredibly proud to have sold out of my first book Draugaskald: Volume I, and can’t wait to realise Volume II soon.

I currently live and work a muggle-job (but write whenever I can) in a beautiful, ancient British city with my scaly companion Glaurung - if you follow my Instagram, you’ll no doubt be plagued by photos of him looking adorable. My family’s roots are a hodge-podge but the forests and mountains featuring in many of them made a great impact on me as a child. I have lived in Norway and strive to again, amongst the fjords and dark trees I dream so often of.

Thank-you for joining me here!

I’m fortunate enough to have fallen into circles of endless mutual inspiration, both artistically and as humans, and count myself very lucky to have collaborated with amazing artists and feel my work is really seen and understood by those who dive into its very goth, dark pages.

It would not be without the support of friends, family and readers that I’d have embarked on such a (at times stupidly) ambitious mission of self-publishing an unusual work of literature - but it proves to me, and I hope to anybody else out there doubting their writing, that you can do it and actually you must do it. I don’t mean self-publishing necessarily - but getting the words on the page, because they’re itching to burst out of you.

So, again - thank-you so much for stepping into my world.

  • First off, I’m chuffed to bits you’d like to get one - I am working hard and pouring all my creativity, all my dreaming into these as well as working with talented artists to bring you the best book possible. I will announce dates on my website, Instagram and mailing list as soon as I am able.

  • This is not something I currently offer but would be very interested in producing if the demand is there! Please write to me with any ideas you may have.

  • A massive, ginormous, humongous NO! I wouldn’t say so, at all - these books delve into quite brutal and dark territory including depictions of violence, warfare, death and more. When your children grow older though, I hope they can enjoy my words!

